Model and actress Ayesha Omar has said that she has received offers of Indian dramas but she has denied those offers and will not work in Indian drama. Ayesha said: “I will work in Pakistani dramas and because of my work in Pakistan people have appreciated me a lot.” Ayesha added: “what I am today is because of Pakistan and Pakistani people”.
Ayesha is currently work in three dramas which are famous sitcom Bulbulay (ARY Digital), Hum TV’s Zindagi Gulzar Hai and Tanhai. She also hosts event and was last seen hosting the red carpet for “Zebai” lawn collection 2013.
Ayesha who was born in 1981 graduated from National College of Arts (NCA), Lahore. She has hosted different entertaining programs on Hum TV, ARY Zauq, Geo Super, Indus TV and Play TV.
Few years back Ayesha Omar was in controversy when she and Maria Wasti was spotted at a foreign country sea view and photos were spread on internet. Many people criticized Ayesha on that photos but her latest move of not going to work in Indian dramas will surely be appreciated by people.