Saturday, 20 July 2013

افتخار چوہدری کے ڈرامے اور ای او بی آئی کیس کی حقیقت

According to an undisclosed anonymous source claiming to be highly knowledgeable of the events, the actual untold story of EOBI case goes like this:
  1. On request of EOBI DHA sold commercial properties to EOBI in September 2011.
  2. Property was sold at lower cost.
  3. To carry out exact PRICE 19 plots were sold out @2.55 million per marla
  4. But the property was sold at more cheaper rate @Rs 2.45 Million
  5. The property was developed in such an organized way that now the same plot is Rs 4.0 Million per marla. 30% increase due to good pace of Development!
  6. FIA acknowledged and documented the development of infrastructure on 13th july 2013.
  7. All set be launched on 17 july, but DG FIA, during the court hearing, changed his statement contradicting to the FIA report!
  8. The ever anti-Army biased pro-Indian CJ ordered freezing of DHA assets.
The source further said that the additional DG FIA is government sponsored and directly linked to the Chief Justice. The main target of this whole episode is Mr. Malik Riaz as Bahria Town is adjacent to DHA in Islamabad, and DHA assets freeze will effect the market of Bahria as well. The primary reason behind this step taken by CJ is to avenge his corrupt lunatic son Arsalan Iftikhar!

Here are a few pictorial reports shared by the source:
