According to an undisclosed anonymous source claiming to be highly knowledgeable of the events, the actual untold story of EOBI case goes like this:
- On request of EOBI DHA sold commercial properties to EOBI in September 2011.
- Property was sold at lower cost.
- To carry out exact PRICE 19 plots were sold out @2.55 million per marla
- But the property was sold at more cheaper rate @Rs 2.45 Million
- The property was developed in such an organized way that now the same plot is Rs 4.0 Million per marla. 30% increase due to good pace of Development!
- FIA acknowledged and documented the development of infrastructure on 13th july 2013.
- All set be launched on 17 july, but DG FIA, during the court hearing, changed his statement contradicting to the FIA report!
- The ever anti-Army biased pro-Indian CJ ordered freezing of DHA assets.
Here are a few pictorial reports shared by the source: